[ENG] Winning Best Tau & Iron Hand for ITC 2022 | Interview with Nassim Fouchane | Podcast 66

Dies mal mit internationalem Gast und daher in Englisch:

Malte and Arne are interviewing the british player Nassim Fouchane. He is the winner of Best in Faction Tau AND Iron Hands for the 2022 ITC season, plays for the Warmaster team, recently got selected for Team England is a regular training partner of us. In our first english podcast you will get know Nassim a little bit more, learn about his last minute Faction switch for the LGT and his thoughts for the next season. What faction will he bring this time?

Let us know in the comments, if are interested in more english speaking content with international guests!

Watch Nassims shadowround match at the Las Vegas Open, playing Tau : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nq5zYIuQvkY

Nassims club on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/warmasters40k/

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